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Friday, May 29, 2015

SHIPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND COMPLIANCE SOFTWARE - What approach do you take and who do you partner with?

After 13 years of meeting with thousands of clients, we know so many, who are responsible for the transportation of cargo ask themselves this question.  


Well, they are not experts in Information Technology, right?  They are experts in the movement of cargo between point A and point B.  And, even without technology, all you need is a telephone, a relationship and paper to record everything to give a great service...right?

But, that approach only lasts a little while and soon, you progress to faxes/emails/text/websites/microsoft office and soon, you ask yourself.....

What can I do to better manage my information and shipment movements without spending so much time doing tasks that do not generate revenue?  

So, you hire a few people and they do the work..but then, they reach capacity and you say, what now?  Do you hire more people or add technology/software to improve those who are doing an excellent job managing your shipments?

With the cost of technology today and the cost of people...most companies do not want to ever lay off staff again so they look to improve the efficiency, accuracy and effectiveness of those they have... which everyone knows adds to overall job security by all.

So, the suggestion is that you look for those software and systems products that you can easily use and add to your current business processes.

No one who moves cargo as part of their every day service is a technology programming wiz!  No company whose responsibility and service offering is to provide the fast and effective movement of freight, wants to invest in their own...home grown product.  Why would you?  There are so many choices out there, why reinvent the wheel?

So, what approach do you take and who do you partner with?  Its simple, you take the approach of adding products to your business that increase productivity, decrease errors and mistakes and add value to those working so most of their time is spent on revenue generating activity.

Who do you partner with?  Well, you partner with software, training and technology providers that know your business...not just how to program or even that they worked within a large transportation company's IT Department. Your partner should be a company whose people did what you do and that can provide you a solution to improve Rate Quotations to your clients...a company that can manage all your rates and with a click of a mouse, give you all the options you have available to lock up the business....then, someone that can tell you what US Customs is looking for in reporting cargo to them.  A partner that can help get a VACIS exam completed and clear the cargo for movement. Someone who knows what a manifest hold means and what a fine or penalty is and how to mitigate it. Finally, someone who knows what cargo to Japan or Canada need or cargo to Panama...Yep, someone who knows your business process already, knows the lingo and can help you improve.

FINALLY, a partner that can provide Software Products to mirror your work processes..not change them or add to them but MATCH what you do.  Sound good?  Pick up the phone and call 866-744-7101 or email us at and we can show you how to improve what you do and actually ADD to your revenue line and cut your cost of doing business.  Yep, we can show you how to add revenue through services you currently have someone else doing for you.

ARTEMUS can even help you get an OTI License, or a Type 2 Custodial Bond...or an Importer Bond or CTPAT Certification and even help mitigate a fine for you.  Further, what about Hazardous Cargo Handling Certification Training?  Not one competitor of ours can say these things and you'll only need one partner to help you grow...ARTEMUS TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS!

Look forward to hearing from you soon

Until Next Month...ARTEMUS  OUT