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Friday, February 17, 2012

Cargo Volumes for 2012 - What's your 2012 Plan?

Has there ever been a more conflicting set of information about cargo volumes into and out of the US?  

This year there have been several reports, some saying both import and export cargo volumes will go down, some vice versa, and others say exports up and imports down....who do you believe and how do you plan your business accordingly?

Well ask yourself this question; do you ever start a year planning/ projecting your business to go down? Maybe? Possibly? I’m sure it is not the majority of companies who project a downturn, especially in this environment where all signs point up. Let's look at some reported facts of late:

First Fact - Reported recently in one of the trade mags import volumes in Jan 2012 were just about flat, Feb was expected to dip (makes sense with Chinese New Year shut down overseas) and then a good spike in March and April for Imports, projecting double digit increases, year over year! Another trade mag reported the same

Second Fact - Recently published article in one of the trade mags also used this phrase in part..."current statistics show that the economy in the US will continue to improve in 2012"

Third Fact - US Exports in Jan 2012 although slightly down from November 2011 levels, are up from Dec 2011 levels and are above the levels they were in July and August of 2011...keeping in mind that 2011 was the best year for Export from the US - EVER!!!!. Yes, with our highest month ever in October 2011, in terms of US$$ and far exceeding the previous high in 2008. The trend line continues to grow here.

I’m sure if you look hard enough, there can be competing opinions on the above, in the opposite camp and with conflicting data. But, facts are facts and the fact is, we are on our way upward, not downward.

So those in transportation, international and domestic, who planned to take a dip down in 2012, rethink it. This is a great time to look to emerging markets for both imports (that $ is still pretty cheap) and exports to find the many opportunities to grow your business.

Of course, as you grow you will need systems, support, training and maybe some help....don't forget about ARTEMUS Transportation Solutions...besides being tremendously optimistic, we have several staff with over 20 years in the industry, are systems are utilized throughout the world by over 125 international transportation and trade companies.

Our web based software products are used daily by 4000+ users in 19 countries. We have the systems, knowledge, and support you need to as you grow your import and export markets.

If you want to ask a question, make a comment or shout out, please feel free to contact

Until next time....


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Infrastructure, Road-Bridge Improvements and Transportation - Why is it Political?

I am sure everyone has heard from our political leadership about putting people back to work by improving our infrastructure. For transportation professionals, everyone we have spoken to is for these investments. All common highway users know you cannot let roads, bridges, railroads, transportation options decay to a point to where we start having serious problems transporting freight and people.

So, why must improving our transportation system, be political? In mid-2011, our President rolled out a jobs plan, which we all have heard included investment on improving our infrastructure. Then, this week, we all hear about the House of Representatives passing legislation for a significant investment on improving our infrastructure.

When we saw this, it was "great news" Two sides are finally agreeing on this investment. So, why not much talk? Well, as with all plans that come from our Executive and Legislative Branch, they are not just a simple investment in infrastructure. Each branch has to "tag on" things the other side will not agree to. So, where all Americans, especially those in our transportation industry, support investing in infrastructure, it now gets used by both branches' to "tick off" the other and use the lack of support of each other as a way of gaining talking points. Why?

There has to be a way to get our representative leadership to just put together legislation like they do when voting on a special day for a past hero, or a simple bill like the ones that showup and get voted on to dedicate a monument. Why can’t we just take what each side sees as infrastructure improvement in each plan and agree, sign and get on with it?

Would an exporter come to a carrier and ask to ship a 40 footer of sneakers to South America and then after you agree, ask you to amend the service contract to allow them to tape a trash bag of CD's on each 40 footer for their friends at the destination? Sure, and then you would knock it back. Why can we just make it simple, take what we agree upon, sign it, get it into law and move forward?

What do you all think? How does our current political environment affect your company to do business? We would love to see specific examples so we can show how these simple things can and would make a world of difference.